Election campaign begins again: Gbagbo vs Ouattara live TV debate: A Victory for Democracy

by Sara Atteby | 22 novembre 2010 9 h 33 min

Gbagbo vs Ouattara televised debate
Gbagbo vs Ouattara televised debate

The very first ever televised face à face political debate in the history of the Ivory Coast is planned to take place on Thursday this week, the 25th November 2010 at 21:00 GMT, (according to the Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle – cnca).

Local press have said that this debate will be a victory for democracy in the Ivory Coast.  It will be broadcast live on the national TV channel RTI, who have scheduled over two hours air time for this historic event.

The remaining two candidates in the 2nd round of elections, Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara began their campaigns across the nation once more at midnight on the 20th of November.

Polling stations will be open at 7am on the 28th of November for the 2nd and final round of the Ivorian Presidential Election.

By Sara Atteby

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  1. [Image] : https://www.bluehost.com/track/atteby/
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Source URL: https://ivoirediaspo.net/election-campaign-begins-again-gbagbo-vs-ouattara-live-tv-debate-a-victory-for-democracy/1806.html/