by Le Magazine de la Diaspora Ivoirienne et des Ami(e)s de la Côte d’Ivoire | 3 juin 2013 16 h 09 min
n the second part of our Shoot Like A Pro series on how to photograph any subject you want we take a closer look at the best camera settings for portrait photography. Our guide takes you through blurring backgrounds, setting up your camera for moving subjects, indoors vs outdoor portraits, and more.
Blurring the background is the key to classic portrait shots, to direct attention to the main subject.Using a standard zoom lens, set the focal length to between 50 and 100mm. Set your camera to Aperture Priority and select the largest aperture available on your lens, such as f/4 or f/5.6.
While the aperture and the depth of field are important, you also need to watch the shutter speed. Make sure you’re using a shutter speed of at least 1/125sec to freeze any camera shake or subject movement. You also need to set the Autofocus mode to single or one shot, and select the focus point so that it’s over the eye of the subject.
Exposure mode Aperture Priority (A or Av)
To take control over the depth of field, select Aperture Priority. Use the input dial to select the largest aperture available on your lens.
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