• 9 janvier 2011
  • 5 minutes read

Alassane Ouattara is a ‘collabo*’ who deals with the Nazis!

Alassane Ouattara is a ‘collabo*’ who deals with the Nazis!

Emmanuel Semanou, the head of the organisation ‘Françafrique bats les Masques’ in France, is infuriated by Alassane Ouattara, whom he calls a collabo*, who deals with slave drivers and slave traders in the service of the Nazi occupiers of Ivory Coast.

ouattara collabo by almo

Indeed, for this African intellectual, Ivory Coast is occupied physically and politically by brute force just like France and the western world was by the Nazis of Adolf Hitler.

This time of Nazi occupation will remain forever in the memories of the French people; Vichy’s government was an extension of the grim hand of the Führer, just as Alassane Ouattara is doing today for Sarkozy.

As it was in the days of the Vichy regime, Ouattara and Soro Guillaume, both collabo* leaders, fabricate secret lists of persons to follow and give them to the European Union and also to the so-called international community.

With the simple idea of knowing that he has with him the destructive forces of imperialism, Ouattara defies African consciousness.  He insults the people of Ivory Coast and threatens massacres if they do not give him the presidential seat of power.

« Ouattara is the leader of the collabos* and nothing more » says Semanou. He is guided by the here and now but the general History of Africa and the ‘Third World’ will judge him.

Mr Semanou insists that « The whole of Africa refuses to follow these collabos* » of the 21st century and they will not prevent Africans from « writing the modern History of the emancipation of the continent ».  Furthermore, Laurent Gbagbo aside, it is the dignity of all Africa that has been targeted.

Contrary to the lie that they seek to inoculate the collective African consciousness with, it is not only for commercial interests that the colonizers who killed Lumumba, Nkrumah, Sankara, etc. continue to fight the lifeblood of Africa, but also for the exclusion of Africa’s taking part in civilization. In actual fact, it is a rejection of civilization in Africa which they are concealing under various controversial names.  Consequently, it is not for democracy that France and its partners are intervening at present.

la vassalite
la vassalite by almo

In fact Laurent Gbagbo is not the problem of Westerners but of the African consciousness, which was awakened through him, engaged in this « phenomenology of the spirit » and refuses to be violated by Sarkozy and his allies.

However for the western slave drivers, since sin arrived by Gbagbo it is necessary that the forgiveness of sin is made by his blood. And they will use every ploy and all military capabilities to execute their plan. But Africa, except for the collabos*, will not look on helplessly at this shameful spectacle of a son being dragged in front of his own village by slave traders. No, those days are over!

Furthermore, the African Union sees the coming danger and is in the process of forming a united front against these macabre forces. More and more voices are rising to say no to the United Nations and to the so-called international community, which has always operated against the emancipation of the black people.

By Daniel Atteby
Translated in English By Sara Atteby


*A ‘collabo’ (from the French word collaborateur) is in the French political language, a person who worked on the side of the NAZI regime when they invaded France.

Assisted by The UN (that should help with peacekeeping) and the American envoy, France tried to turn the 2010 election results in favour of their ‘collabo’ Alassane Ouattara.

In the same way that the Nazis occupied France, France is now also trying to occupy the Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) with their army. Brutalising the constitution of the country to impose somebody who was declared president illegally by the president of the Electoral Commission (who is also a friend of Ouattara’s) in his campaign headquarters at the Golf Hotel in Abidjan.

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Le Magazine de la Diaspora Ivoirienne et des Ami(e)s de la Côte d’Ivoire
Rédaction de Diaspora Cote d'Ivoire, Senior Editor: Daniel Atteby, Art Director: Sara A. Email: info@ivoirediaspo.net, Skype: gethsemane7

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