• 26 octobre 2010
  • 2 minutes read

Candidate’s Slogans for the Ivory Coast Presidential Elections on October 31st, 2010

Candidate’s Slogans for the Ivory Coast Presidential Elections on October 31st, 2010

Diaspora Ivoirienne | Ivoiriens de l'étrangerAfter 10 years of mess, stammering, Institutional disorder, unjustified rebellion and political cacophony, the Ivorians were able to regain their right to vote this Sunday, October 31st to decide between 14 candidates.

If the population is apparently excited to again enjoy their democratic rights, the candidates seem to be even more galvanized and hyper excited.  Everyone feels endowed with magical powers to immediately transform the Ivory Coast in to a developed country.  But what is most striking are the slogans and sayings highly inspired by the spirit of creativity of the Ivorians.  And so, it is our pleasure to present you some of the leitmotifs of our candidates.
Francis Wodie: « I am physically, intellectually and spiritually different from the other candidates »

Jacqueline Oble: « Let’s cross our arms to build the future »

Laurent Gbagbo: « This election is the battle for the sovereignty of Cote d’Ivoire against the  Masks from abroad »

Gnamien Konan: « We must save the schools because they are like our blood. If the school is polluted, the whole system is sick  »

Anaky Kobenan: « With tourism, I will bring in more money than the binomial coffee and cocoa industry »

DAHICO Adama: « I am the only candidate on the list with a bubu (robe) and white hat »

Mabri Toikeuse: « We must reduce the powers of the President of the Republic »

Bédié: « This will be my last term »

Allassane Ouattara: « I ask only 5 years »

Konan Kouadio Simeon: « I am the neutral peacemaker »

Translation by Sara Atteby

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