• 10 avril 2011
  • 1 minute read

Deluge fire tonight on Abidjan

Deluge fire tonight on Abidjan

France benefits, loosely, a context of increasing belligerence into terrorist groups Alassane Ouattara to launch missiles at the residence of the President of the Republic in Cocody and the Presidential Palace on the Plateau. Fighting with heavy weapons now oppose elements of IB and Chérif Ousmane. While the defense forces and security in Côte d’Ivoire (FDS-CI) are involved, this Sunday, April 10, 2011, in any fight. In fact, France has decided to simply cast a pall over the Ivorians and destroy Cote d’Ivoire.
In addition to several serious injuries, one of the buildings of the residence of the President of the Republic is on fire and Choi on i just recognize that these are TV joint strike force Licorne and UNOCI. But worse, the South Korean reached by telephone by the drafting of i TV, talks about the final assault.

The codename for the final assault which speaks Choi is « dead or alive. » That is to say that UNOCI and Licorne want President Gbagbo dead or alive. It vera good because God is Great.

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Le Magazine de la Diaspora Ivoirienne et des Ami(e)s de la Côte d’Ivoire
Rédaction de Diaspora Cote d'Ivoire, Senior Editor: Daniel Atteby, Art Director: Sara A. Email: info@ivoirediaspo.net, Skype: gethsemane7

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