• 31 décembre 2010
  • 9 minutes read

Ivory Coast | The theory of the imminent genocide – an unfounded psychosis

Ivory Coast | The theory of the imminent genocide – an unfounded psychosis
After the visit of three heads of state of the ECOWAS who, contrary to the expectations of some, concluded their mission on the option of the not recourse to an armed intervention against Ivory Coast, a new leitmotiv made its appearance on the lips of the journalists of the French media.
In the morning of December 29th, Youssouf Bamba, ambassador appointed by Alassane Ouattara and rashly recognized by the UNO, worried about the following fact:  » we are within an ace of a genocide, it is necessary to do something. « 
This new theory, which is very convenient, is too unrefined to seem credible. Destabilized by the prudent approach of the ECOWAS, the Ouattara camp, always supported by Nicolas Sarkozy’s France, which the UNO continues very strangely to follow gaily, brandishes a theory which aims clearly at diverting the international attention from the bitter failure which is being outlined on the horizon for Alassane Ouattara and his armed rebellion.
Africa realizes that a trickery is in preparation, and does not want to serve as the armed puppet to Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy to carry out its dirty work in a sovereign brother country.
Official statement of Ghana:
Ghana will not send troops to Ivory Coast under a west African regional plan to force Laurent Gbagbo out if he does not step down peacefully, defence minister said Thursday.
ECOWAS decides to slow down and opt for a peaceful outcome:
A delegation of three West African presidents went to Abidjan on Tuesday to deliver an ultimatum, but left without a clear outcome, and has since said they are still pressing for a peaceful solution.
They are due to return to Abidjan on Monday for more talks and military action appears to have been put on the back burner for now.
The mission from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which was in Abidjan on Tuesday to ask incumbent Laurent Gbagbo to cede power to his rival Alassane Ouattara, has given him a second chance of diplomacy. The mission has promised a second chance to find a peaceful solution to Cote d’Ivoire’s crisis.
« We shall come back, the ECOWAS president will negotiate a new date for the return of the mission. We hope that this will be as soon as possible, » Cape Verde’s President Pedro Pires said at the end of the mission.
The current « exactions » in the country, the populations which flee, the deaths and the mass graves – reflection
Dear readers. We invite you in a simple and logical reflection on some theories, allegations and informations
The sufferings of the inhabitants of  » districts pro-Ouattara « 
When the President of the Republic is in position in the presidential Palace and holds firmly his post, which is the interest for him to be engaged in barbaric acts, not only visible and noisy, but also strongly incriminating?
For whom knows Abidjan, it is common knowledge that there is no district exclusively « pro-Ouattara » or « pro-Gbagbo », this is another simplistic and reducing plan of which are fond the French media. Besides, these so called armed aggressors whom we qualify as militias « pro-Gbagbo » are this day not identified (black clothing from head to toe, covered faces and heads, 4X4 cars without license plates, etc.). What people forget to say, and it would come out if they made the effort to investigate in a little more pushed way, is that hundreds of armed rebels’ were poured in these areas prior to the second ballot of the elections by trains from the North, in the zone of Abobo and Anyama. It is simple enough to ask the question to the inhabitants of these districts, to check this information.
What they also forget to say, it is that activists of the Laurent Gbagbo’s party LMP as much as activists of the Alassane Ouattara’s party RDR are aimed by these acts.
Sincerely, who is « arranged » by this kind of exactions that ends in these amplified mass graves ? Let us not be naive and let us not rush in hasty conclusions.
The French media keep repeating as parrots:  » in districts pro Ouattara, the populations undergo at night kidnappings, murders and armed attacks commited by pro-Gbagbo militias ».
These murders do, in no way, but then in no way serve the cause of Laurent GBAGBO. Then, why on earth « his partisans », as the French mediacalls them, would do such things ? Isn’t it incomprehensible?
Thousands of refugees flee the country…
There also, we can ask ourselves questions on the objectivity, even the intellectual honesty of certain French media eager for shock sentences, and which make little research work. Nobody, but really nobody among these journalists makes the effort to specify that ALL the refugees flee zones under control of the armed rebellion of Mr Ouattara. Yes! All the populations which flee towards Liberia, Guinea and the South of Ivory Coast run away from said zones CNO (Northwest Center: Man, Bouaké,  in red on the map ) who are totally controlled by notorious war Lords of the Forces Nouvelles which are very known for the exactions and the atrocities committed since 2002 until during the elections of November, 2010, we want for proof the multiple reports of the African observers and the international NGOs (International Watch).
There also, it is difficult to understand this more than partial treatment of the information…
The improbable genocidal theory
The theory of the genocide, for who knows Ivory Coast, does not really hold the road. Simply because a so called ambassador, appointed by a non-justifiable president towards the laws and the constitution of Ivory Coast, which is a member sovereign country of the United Nations if it’s necessary to remind this, decided to throw a whim to the microphone of a journalist, all the French media plunge themselves into their greediness of sensations.
According to Youssouf Bamba, ambassador to the UN appointed by Alassane Ouattara,  » we are within an ace of a genocide, it is necessary to do something. « 
In Rwanda, the Hutus in the power incited to the genocide of the Tutsi. In the end, deaths were recorded in both camps. The history of the genocides was particularly marked by the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and the Armenians that have been killed in Turkey.
For every person who has a little knowledge of Ivory Coast, we know that this extremely variegated country is in the heart of a very rich meshing which is connected with all the countries of western Africa. In Ivory Coast, there are approximately 70 dialects and ethnic groups (without considering the millions of expatriates from the nearby countries, besides from the rest of Africa, from the Middle East and from Europe), distributed within villages and cities. So, in the smallest hamlet, we find at least 3 to 4 different ethnic groups.
If ever this genocide aims at the partisans of Alassane Ouattara, then it is going to need to rake all the country to commit it. Some people will even have to kill themselves because today, in 2010, mixtures are so varied that it is impossible to find a single person stemming purely from a single ethnic group.
When you vaguely desire to be an ambassador to the UN, it is necessary to know how to measure your comments. Mr Bamba is not a journalist to look for shocking words which will allow him to attract a large audience. That he speaks about civil war threat, all right, but not genocide.
If we so base ourselves on the figures of the CEI (electoral commission), this genocide would aim at exterminating a little less than 54 % of the inhabitants of the Ivory Coast (if we exclude the Diaspora).
The genocides being generally committed on a minority, the Ivory Coast case once again shows exception! We would thus like all, you will agree on it, to obtain more clarifications on what Mr Bamba calls « genocide » in Ivory Coast.
This attempt to make noise to divert the attention of the true reality and try to obtain a return on the option of an armed attack against Ivory Coast proves an obvious restlessness and amateurism of this presumed diplomat.

Merci !!!!!!!


plus d’infos sur  http://blog.ivoirevox.info

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Le Magazine de la Diaspora Ivoirienne et des Ami(e)s de la Côte d’Ivoire
Rédaction de Diaspora Cote d'Ivoire, Senior Editor: Daniel Atteby, Art Director: Sara A. Email: info@ivoirediaspo.net, Skype: gethsemane7

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