• 21 septembre 2010
  • 2 minutes read

Poor Gbagbo!

Poor Gbagbo!

Laurent GbagboDoes Laurent Gbagbo really know what he wants? Does he think that he can deceive Ivorians, or is he lost in a political nebula which inhibits him from determining clearly his political, economic and financial options? Or perhaps psychologically, is he already in a very advanced state of senility?

In any case, the acts of the president of the Republic of the Ivory Coast are in opposition with what he is saying in his speeches. Last Sunday, for example, speaking about the presidential election of October 31st, he said in front of the bété population that, « This election is a choice. The choice between the enslavement of our country and the independence of our country. I have chosen independence, so I invite all those who have also chosen independence to come with me. I am a candidate for the Ivorians and by the Ivorians. »  Now for his campaign for the aforementioned election he has found nothing better than Euro Rscg, a French company to manage all his communication operations, even though his protégé Ble Goudé, who is also his deputy campaign manager, owns a communications company. Anyway, President Gbagbo undoubtedly knows the value of his protégé. Thus, after the promotion of mediocrity, he turns to France for his personal needs.

Poor Gbagbo, like a naked backed swimmer, he thinks that he can deceive the Ivorians by pretending he is fighting for independence but in reality is suffering because France never accepted him.

By Daniel Atteby

(English translation by Sara Atteby)

Version Française

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Le Magazine de la Diaspora Ivoirienne et des Ami(e)s de la Côte d’Ivoire
Rédaction de Diaspora Cote d'Ivoire, Senior Editor: Daniel Atteby, Art Director: Sara A. Email: info@ivoirediaspo.net, Skype: gethsemane7

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  • Well, it’s a very good article and I entirely agree what Atteby says. It’ s Gbago is a rare species not to a calamity Côte d’Ivoire has ever known. So, we understand now why the country is suffering a lot. A man without any bright vision of development for his country and his people. Such a man needs to be avoided if we want the best of country in term political and socio economical stability. Let’s try new political leaders; and our country has many.

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