- 20 janvier 2011
- 7 minutes read
Une vidéo sur la supercherie de Choï découverte

Scandale à la Maison de verre de New York. Au centre, le représentant spécial du secrétaire général de l’Onu en Côte d’Ivoire. Selon Inner city press, l’agence d’investigation sur les activités des Nations unies, les diplomates siégeant au Conseil de sécurité ont découvert la vidéo d’un briefing confidentiel de Young-Jin Choï, à l’abri des regards indiscrets, dans laquelle l’ambassadrice américaine Susan Rice et l’ambassadeur français Gérard Araud lui ont demandé ne pas attendre et de certifier Alassane Dramane Ouattara gagnant avant que le Conseil constitutionnel ivoirien ne se prononce. Cette vidéo était encore disponible sur le site www.unmultimedia.org.
(Daily Press Briefing. Guest: Choi Young-Jin, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Côte d`Ivoire18 January 2011).
Mais, comme si cela n’était pas assez grave pour provoquer des troubles dans un pays, le Conseil de sécurité a néanmoins fini par voter, mardi, la résolution de la France sur la Côte d’Ivoire permettant d’augmenter le contingent onusien des Casques bleus de 2.000 hommes soldats supplémentaires.
Robert Krassault
L’article originale en Anglais
In Cote d’Ivoire, Choi Denies US or French Pressure or Blockage from Abobo
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, January 18 — With the prospect of military intervention in Cote d’Ivoire looking less likely at least for now, UN envoy Choi Young-jin on Tuesday told the Press of other ways to get Laurent Gbagbo out of power, including cutting off pay to the country’s 140,000 civil servants.
Inner City Press asked Choi about his involvement in such planning, and whether he was pressured or influenced by particular Security Council members. Video here, from Minute 16:45.
No, Choi insisted, planning funds cut-offs is not his mandate, and only the Ouattara camp pressured him, to let the initial announcement of Ouattara as the election’s winner be announced at the UN. Choi says he refused, and requested more questions on the topic.
Numerous Security Council sources have described to Inner City Press a video briefing by Choi to the Council in its closed door consultations in which US Ambassador Susan Rice and French Ambassador Gerard Araud told Choi to go ahead and certify Ouattara as the winner, even before the Constitutional Council issued its ruling.
Choi twice denied that this happened. He also denied that he had been blocked from visiting the Abobo neighborhood where civilians were being killed. But even top UN peacekeeper Alain Le Roy acknowledges that Choi’s convoy was stopped. It later proceeded. But describing things accurately is important.
Choi by video on Jan 18, pressure & blockage not shown
Choi worked for the UN a decade ago in a peacekeeping logistical role. He is known to have complained that he was marginalized and not given enough power. Later, as South Korea’s Permanent Representative to the UN, he helped engineer Ban Ki-moon’s win at Secretary General.
Choi has been mentioned as coming back to New York to mastermind the race for a second Ban term, or perhaps being named to replace Vijay Nambiar as the UN’s envoy to Myanmar. (His new posture as democracy advocate will probably not help.)
The Ban Ki-moon administration is “all in” on the campaign to replace Gbagbo. Some say they may have lost their way, forgetting that to talk about cutting off the salaries to 140,000 civil servants is hardly a UN thing to do, and that the UN is supposed to mediate, not to itself need a mediator.
But having gone down this road, will Team Ban now advocate for democracy in Tunisia, North Korea, Myanmar and elsewhere? We’ll see.
S: http://www.innercitypress.com/cote4choi011811.html
Voilà pourquoi, nous sommes bêtes de ne pas nous sacrifier pour GBAGBO; l’ONU doit être refonder!!! Mais entre temps, qu’elle trouve une place pour leur candidats et ses partisan ailleurs qu’en CI.
Seules ceux qui refusent de voire la vérité continuent de discuter a propos du complot. Avec ou sans Gbagbo, prions qu’un autre type d’Africain naissent assez vite. Les ouattara, wade, compaore et autres, l’Afrique en a trop connu.
Vive la nouvelle Afrique, vive l’Afrique digne.
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