Malmo, Sweden 21/11/2011
Our Ref: RPP/6799/BI/ICII/21/11/JVK/11GBI
Ref: A call to boycott trade investments in Rwanda
As you are all aware Rwanda is now at a cross-roads as the people of Rwanda continue to experience
the most gruesome, inhumane and degrading abuses under the current dictatorial regime of President
Kagame whose wild behaviours are beyond comprehension. Indeed, these relentless man-made
tragedies could be avoidable if the international community would continue to encourage and support a
democratic and peaceful political settlement in order to allow the country to return to normalcy, establish
democratic institutions, justice and rule of law as the only instruments to build a new civil society, a
democratic and prosperous Rwanda that guarantees equal rights, opportunities and protection of all her
We have heard some of Rwandan elite, foreign media and entrepreneurs talking about a suitable
business environment in this lawless country. But as a party, we have not heard any of them talking
about children dying on a daily basis because of hunger and starvations, lack of health care, orphans and
abandoned children hiding and taking refuge
in sewage pipes in the shanty ghettos of
Kigali and scavenging in the middle of the
night in hunt for food like as seen in these
photos. We have not heard them talking
about the elderly and disadvantaged people
who have been excluded from main stream
services because of their social inequality.
We have yet to hear from them condemning
the regime policy that makes its own people
homeless, and forces others to be sterilised as an experiment to fight poverty and birth control. These
young men and women have been denied the right to a family by their own government that is supposed
to protect their basic right to freedom and dignity. Instead they have been disowned, condemned and
confined to social exclusion by the RPF government because of being poor.
1We have heard others speaking about a clean city and social inclusion, but we haven’t heard them
talking about travel restrictions, and proclamation of powers to quarantine less advantaged Rwandan
entering their own capital and townships, trading centres, and or visiting leisure centres and social clubs
without acceptable dressing code to avoid offending the Rwandan stands in the eyes of tourists and
investors. We have heard about political stability, and rule of law in Rwanda, yet we have not heard
anyone questioning the legality of the forced slavery, segregation, forced prostitution, and the subjective
denial of the rights, freedoms and dignity for the most defenceless Rwandans. We have not heard a
single voice calling for the release of 2761 unknown prisoners currently rotting in the Rwandan prisons.
The RPP’s AVG in Rwanda, has documented the unfortunate forensics in which victims are sent to prison
by the RPF/RPA top officials because they wanted to confiscate their businesses, properties and also
because of family disputes.
It is unfortunate that clean streets, nice swimming pools and good business environment that could have
been a source of pride and sustainability to our people have instead become a living nightmare and
execrations to them, as they are systematically used to suppress their rights, freedoms and dignity.
These cruel incidents must be stopped immediately. It is crucial to note that the lives of the people of
Rwanda are dearer and more precious than the construction of streets, five star hotels and swimming
pools only aimed at impressing Rwanda’s visitors at the expense of the local Rwandan. These
materialistic ornaments can be built, destroyed, rebuilt and replaced by a man, yet no man can ever and
ever attain the power and capability to replace the stolen life of another man. Today, Kigali is under
rehabilitation and reconstruction after its destruction as a result of the 1990-1994 civil war and genocide,
but the precious souls of one million victims of Rwandan genocide and of Rwandan refugees as well as
the Congolese peasants massacred in the DRC will never be replaced or restored.
While, our party acknowledges that the 1994 genocide was planned, commissioned and executed by the
previous regime, we however, also recognise that failure to bring to justice perpetrators of the horrendous
crimes and murders of Tutsi in 1959, 1961, 1963, 1973 and 1975 were grave mistakes. It is these
impunities therefore that might have been used as precedence, largely which played a significant role in
1994 genocide. The perpetrators knew that there will never be justice for victims as in the previous cases
of horrendous crimes. This is why we believe that bringing those responsible for these crimes is crucial
and important lesson to Rwandan future generations. The RPP believes that there can never be peace
and tranquillity and building of democratic institutions and prosperous Rwanda until all people responsible
for misusing and abusing their power are brought to justice. We need to leave a good example to our
children if we are to build a civil society that is enshrined within the rule of law. As party, we also believe
that a national reconciliation based on the South African model, where no genocide took place, would be
disastrous to Rwanda as a nation and catastrophic to Rwandans as a people.
2We have been listening to the decisions of well-respected and powerful global leaders, decisions makers
and politicians talking about the removal of the most vicious dictators that started with the Arab Spring –
in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and now in progress in Syria and Yemen as well as other countries. We have
heard too few voices of world leaders pledging to take decisive punitive measures if necessary against
the most brutal Rwandan dictatorial regime of our times, whose violent wild behaviours exceeds that of
the Libya’s late Kaddafi, Uganda’s late Idi Amin, Syria’s Assad, Yemen’s Saleh and Egypt’s deposedMubarak.
We have witnessed the unified and stern determination of the international community in demanding,
imposing and enforcing travel bans, freezing of assets, economic and political isolations and other
punitive measures against these oppressive Arab and African regimes of terror, for their failures to openup political space, democratic reform and their continued bloody and barbaric campaigns and
oppressions against their own people. Yet, there have been too few global leaders and decision makers
that have been overwhelmed by the enormous and shocking indescribable suffering and gruesome
brutalities that have been wrecked on Rwandan people during the last 17-years of the RPF barbaric reign
of terror. That clearly acknowledges that President Kagame and his cronies’ are responsible for an
escalation of violence and repression of Rwandan people due to their refusal to allow political reform and
rebuilding of democratic institutions in Rwanda.
We have also witnessed the relevance of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as regards to its heroism
indictments and prosecutions of crimes against humanity, genocides and violations of the peoples’ of
rights, freedom and dignity by these doctorial regimes. However, as of today, we are yet to hear when the
last of the genocide perpetrators and those high ranking PRF/RDF officials responsible for massacring
innocent Rwandan refugees and Congolese people in the DRC will be apprehended to face full
accountability and justice for deeds.
The notion of wanting to judge others when we ourselves don’t want to be judged has no legacy in any
modern democratic nation that is governed under the rule of law and order. No Rwandan should deem
himself to be above the law. As a party, we believe that punishing ring leaders responsible for the 1994
genocide and the killing of Rwandan refugees in the DRC can never hinder the process of national
reconciliation. It is only the absence of justice that will fail the much needed national reconciliation. To
this extent therefore, we are calling upon the Rwanda government to release all political prisoners,
journalists and local Rwandans who have been in prison for over 15 years.
The RPP therefore, as a party, calls for significant steps be taken to expose and institute diplomatic
isolation of the RPF regime that is systematically violating human rights and repressing peaceful
democratic rights of its own people.
3To this extent therefore, my party, the Rwanda People’s Party, once again wish to call upon for a unified
stance of the 193-nation body to come together and impose a travel ban, freeze of assets of President
Kagame and his associates because such measures will help to create an environment of democratic
reform proposed under the 5
May 2011, RPP Peace Talks initiatives, namely, the RWANDA ROAD
On behalf of my party, the Rwanda People’s Party, we would like to thank the heroic decisions of the
individual states that are considering unilateral punitive measures against the RPF regime as they are on
time and of common sense, highlighting the seriousness of the current gruesome and human
catastrophic situation in Rwanda. We hope other countries will henceforth follow a suit.
We also wish to take this opportunity, once again, on behalf on my party, to call upon the UN, EU and AU
as well as the governments of the UK, US, France and Belgium, Brazil, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
Independent Peace Initiatives, Human Rights Bodies, Human Rights Groups, and Friends of Rwanda to
take a lead in this historic journey aimed at persuading president Kagame to adopt the RPP ROAD MAP
TO PEACE which is a platform to build upon. This is a plan for lasting peace and harmony among
Rwandans, a democratic, a happy civil society and a prosperous Rwanda for all.
The continuity of the issuances of the double standard political statements by some individuals and to a
regime that kills and suppresses its own people in bid to try to save a friendly regime from falling, on
behalf of the Kagame’s regime is very unfortunate and unhelpful to the people of Rwanda and the Great
Lakes Region of Nations. Instead, as a party, we believe that calling for a dialogue and action in line with
bringing peace and political stability of the region would be more appropriate. Our party does not believe
in the militarization of our region. We want peace and development not war and suffering. This is the
creed of our party.
It is high time, therefore, that the friends of Rwanda accept and acknowledge the reality, that the RPF’s
dramatic blanket curtain on a government that has become plagued by scandals and seems increasingly
helpless in the face of the political indignation of the Rwandan people have taken in light of this
We must agree in principle, that the 17-years of Kagame’s regime has meant cruel hostilities, rising
poverty, uncontrollable price-hiking, strengthened organised crimes, a burgeoning black market and the
shocking, extremely harrowing and suffering of Rwandan people.
4The RPP is calling to an end to this unfortunate support of a regime that has gone off rail. The support for
this RPF regime is extremely dangerous, futile, and unhelpful to the people of Rwanda and the region as
a whole. It is like burying an ostrich head into the sand because it is futile and only exposes its backside.
We believe it would be unthinkable to support this oppressive regime that calls its own people rats. It is
not a benign regime. In fact is a cruel and murderous regime that is characterized by the cold blooded
slaughter of Rwandan citizens as described herein by some of the DMI agents:
This is how the regime treats its critics and opponents. They are rats that have to be exterminated in all
manner of methods.
"Those war mongers will be finished in the most humble way. there are many ways of Killing a
of the ways is starving it, squeezing its neck, hitting it with a sledge hammer, eating it alive, finding it in its
hole, trapping is with KAMASU, poisoning it and also many other ways." These are some of the
infamous, systematically and well calculated methods of killings of Rwandan people both inside Rwanda
and in their countries of exile. These are the same frightening words used by the late Kaddafi when he
was killing his own people.
Our party, the Rwanda people Party, on the other hand believes in democratic and peaceful change in
Rwanda, and we are determined to avoid a damaging civil war and genocide in our country again if at all
possible. This is why we urge President Kagame to adopt our ROAD MAP TO PEACE. In the same
breath we urge the International Confederation of Industries and Investments, Global International
Chambers and Commerce and Industries, business, and international community to boycott investments
in Rwanda for so long as President Kagame continues with his murderous and cruel activities in Rwanda
against innocent civilians and refuses to allow the Rwandan people to express their free will in a free
national democratic election.
John V Karuranga, President
Rwanda Peoples Party
Facebook: John V. Karuranga
Phone: +00447985663922
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