• 2 février 2011
  • 2 minutes read

The real problem of the Ivory Coast is one person and one person only: Alassane Ouattara

The real problem of the Ivory Coast is one person and one person only: Alassane Ouattara

Dear Goncalves Rhys,

Am I right to say that you are not from the Ivory coast when you talk about Gbagbo Laurent the President of the Ivory Coast as a dictator. In Ivory Coast where I am from there are 2 groups of people that cannot claim to be discriminated against are the Northern muslim and the Baoule from the center of the country. For the former group which Alassan is comming from, they are accepted and present everywhere in the country. They are so important to the country because of their knowledge of business. A city without them is a dead city. The real problem is one person and one person only (Alassan Ouatara) who brought political violence into the country.

Our president does not discriminate anyone. In fact, in his party (FPI) the influent members are from the north.

We just don’t like the rebels that Alassan introduced into my beloved country.

I hope you take time to instruct yourself properly

Thank you.



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  • I kind of agree with you but I guess what you mean is that in Ivory coast regions have specialized in different activities. Northerners have historically specialized in trade. This does not mean they are the only one to have knowledge in business. Now You are right to mention this for foreign readers who tend to believe that Northerners live in the north. They are spread all over the country just like all the other Ivoirians. Many do no longer have any tie with the North. It is therefore absurd to claim that there is a conflict between North and south, between Muslims and Christians. Those stereotypes/shortcuts are exploited by Ouattara to gather foreign sympathy for his criminal cause against Ivorians.

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